Tuesday 14 April 2009

Spinning again

Thrive Coils, originally uploaded by Bright Side.

I know that this blog has been very quiet while the crafting mojo was squished by my morning sickness- apologies. Now that the morning sickness has just about worn off, I'm finally back to knitting and spinning again. Here's something fun I've been working on for our guild Artsweek competition. It's Hello Yarn corriedale in "Thrive", which has made these wonderful squishy coils. I've been doing a bit of experimenting with coils and I think a squishy fibre like corriedale or BFL is what I like best. I've just made some in some "wool top" which although has turned out well, isn't quite as bouncy as the corriedale. I think I'll experiment a bit more with some other fibres and see what happens.

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