Saturday, 11 October 2008

What's on the wheel?

Eclipse, originally uploaded by Bright Side.

I'm currently spinning the Spunky club July offering, which is "Eclipse". I've decided that I want to make it into socks, so I split the fibre legthwise to spin into singles. I'm now navajo plying, so I should end up with two small matching skeins of stripy yarn eventually. They won't be exact but I think they'll be close enough. I'm going to do a toe up vanilla version, and just knit until I run out of wool. I'm finding the navajo plying quite difficult as the singles are so thin, they sometmes break under the pressure of bringing it through the loop and sorting out tangles. I've been felting the ends back together and then continuing gently until I'm past that spot. It seems to be going well and I'm liking how the plied yarn is looking on the bobbin.

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