Monday, 15 June 2009

FO: BSJ for Baby Barker

BSJ for Baby Barker, originally uploaded by Bright Side.

I've finished the Baby Surprise Jacket for my baby. I've knitted a size that I've guestimated will fit the baby in the winter, but we'll have to see how he/she grows first!

The yarn is mostly 3ply superwash merino by Hello Yarn, as well as a stripe of 2ply Manx Loaghtan, and spun on my Schacht Ladybug wheel. The buttons were made for me by a local woodturner, and I think that they're perfect for this project.

I'm not sure what to knit next. I have a terribly complicated sock project which has been zzzzz for ages- my knitting has improved so much since I last did anything on that project that I think I might be able to cope better with the compex charts. On the other hand, I do have a good case of baby brain at the moment, so it could all go horribly wrong. I can't spindle at the moment (too much bending over!) but the wheel is ok, so I might just have to stick to spinning until I make up my mind.

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