Friday, 9 January 2009

New Spindles!

New Spindles, originally uploaded by Bright Side.

I was lucky to add two new spindles added to the collection this Christmas. On the left, a 36g zebrawood Bosworth, which spins brilliantly and is really precision crafted. On the right, a 28g oak burr banded spindle by IST Crafts- a pretty fast spinner and well balanced. I'm really pleased with both of them and I'm looking forward to using them over the next few weeks.

After having a horrible cold over Christmas I really lost my spinning/kntting mojo for a while. It's returning slowly now but I'm still not quite up to speed yet. I have been doing a little bit of spinning, which was navajo plying the second half of sock yarn. Unfortunately it's very slightly thicker than the first lot, but I think it'll be alright when it's knitted, as they're only going to be vanilla versions. Serves me right for not spinning both lots at the same time! I had to put loads of plying twist in too as the singles had sat on a bobbin for ages, and I knew as soon as I put them into soak they'd spring back into life. I managed it quite well as after a good soak it was hanging straight and didn't need any weighting. As soon as that was finished I started some falkland, dyed by Spindlefrog, in a gorgeous green/grey/blue colourway called "Rockpool". I'm spinning it fractal style in a short forward draw to make a worsted- style 2 ply, maybe fingering weightish. I want to make another baby surprise jacket from this but I want it to be small, so to do that I need the yarn to be quite fine.